2016年10月27日 星期四

Know Its Parts

1. Head — where the four tuning adjusters are located.
2. Tuning adjusters — These are the four pegs that are turned clockwise or counter-clockwise to tune the ukulele.
3. Neck (or fret board) — This is where the frets are located and where you should press the strings to make chords and play specific notes.
4. Frets — These are the spaces separated by thin, wooden or metal sticks and located on the neck.
5. Body — This is where the sound resonates. It usually has a hole in the middle.
6. Saddle and Bridge — This is what supports the strings.
Now that you’re familiar with the ukulele, it’s time to start playing!
Learn the Proper Way to Play It

If you are sitting, remember not to squeeze the ukulele with your stomach and upper thigh. Stabilize it without applying too much pressure on the body. If you are using a right-handed uke, place your left thumb behind the neck to allow your other fingers to play chords and change frets with ease. Use your right hand to strum. Press the strings with your finger palms, not with your finger tips.

1st finger is to control the first roll of frets and so on

Tune your ukulele.
You can use a ukulele tuner or other properly tuned instruments to tune your ukulele. When we say GCEA tuning, it means that the four strings are tuned to G (sol), C (do), E, (mi), and A (la). The same principle goes with the other tunings. Hold your ukulele properly and look at the four strings. The string nearest to your face is should be tuned to G. The string farthest from your face should be tuned to A.

